Life these days is moving a warp speed. B is 3.5 and about to start preschool for this year in Room 4. Very important. "It's not just school Mommy. It's Room 4." Got it. B took swimming lessons this summer which was quite the experience. My little "mini me" wasn't all that fond of not being in control. Go figure that. He actually did an amazing job and loves to go under water and get his face wet. He just wants to do it when he wants to do it. And there's no room for anything else. Pretty funny really.

And R is beyond on the move. He'll be 10 months in less than a week and has been walking for almost 6 weeks. TOTALLY UNREAL. He's just toddling around all over the place and is as happy as he can be. Of course the little booger has zero teeth. Which is quite funny. I love that little toothless grin. He's just so sweet. So easy going and easy to please. His sweet little hair is starting to curl. He's going to look like me...but we think he'll have T's more chilled out persona. That'll be nice. Too many of "me" around and we'd all freak out. R is also about to start preschool for this year and he's gotten a promotion! From the infant room to the toddler room. Cheers!
In all honesty, I have been so wrapped up in work and have had my energy zapped to the very core that I really haven't had much time to 'just be" at all. That makes things quite difficult really. I feel like my life is just whipping around me and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Sometimes (hell - who am I kidding), no actually all the time I wish I was more the type of person who can just relax and go with the flow of things. Just let life come as it does and be happy. Actually, I'd like to meet one of those people. Does that really exist? I can't see it.
You mean just live in the moment? Always accepting things for what they are and smiling and taking it all in? You've got to be kidding. That's beyond ridiculous. I'm way to wigged out. Way to wrapped up in the detail. Like I said...I can't even get to work on time. I can't go more than a couple of steps with out a sticky note plastered to my mirror, face, purse, fridge.
But...I am trying. I'm trying to not be so serious. Trying not to sweat the small stuff. Trying to laugh when things go haywire. But you know what...that's work in itself. It goes against every fiber of my being and it's hard. I am trying to learn though. And I feel like I have to get there if I'd like to achieve any amount of sanity over the next 50+ years.
Wish me luck.

I'll tell you this...one thing that I have enjoyed lately is our most recent purchase. Of a redneck, should-have-it-in-the-front-yard, white trash inflatable pool. The thing freaking ROCKS! It's 9' in diameter. I mean B can literally swim across this bad boy. It's hilarious. We just crank on the music, spray the super soakers and chill out in the yard. All I need now is a raft...
1 comment:
Glad you are back! I had been checking in to see what's up. Love the pic of R lounging in the tub. What a ham!
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