So...here I am. Alone. In a hotel room in Chattanooga,TN awaiting dinner and a meeting with my client in the morning. Really - not so interesting. But it does give me a few moments for me to ponder my 1st June blog entry. Sweet.
My little one, R, is 7.5 months old. I truly can't believe it. Talk about time flying. I feel like I'm whipping around in a wind tunnel with all the world zooming past me and I can barely catch a glimpse of what is going on. But those glimpses...they are awesome.
R is so mobile...he's like lightning. He's been crawling for over a month now and once he's down, he's moving. So much earlier than B which has T and I a little freaked. Just cause he's still so little. That when we say "No", he just looks over at us and smiles and proceeds to do whatever his little heart desires. We can distract him, thank goodness. And he does appear to listen - for a second or two. We've read that his memory is somewhere along the lines of 30 seconds. HA! How entertaining...
He's also pulling up on anything and everything that is higher than a few inches off the ground. AND moving from one piece of furniture to another with one hand and a single step. Truly - I'm amazed. B started doing this at like 9+ months. So - we feel sure we are in for mass hysteria sometime in the near (very near) future.
I tell you though, I am enjoying every single second of watching this child grow. R is the happiest child I've ever encountered and just loves anyone and everyone. Such a blessing. He has a smile that lights up the room and he loves to cuddle which melts my heart. But I tell you...his favorite person in the world is B. So - all those parenting stories about siblings are true. Luckily - B is an entertainer and loves an audience. Any audience. And he is currently thriving on R's total obsession with every move he makes. He plays the goof and R cackles like the perfect audience.
I knew that having two kids was going to change my life. And I knew this first year was going to be a challenge. Just trying to adjust to a new routine. Getting back to work. Not having any vacation. Dinners. Baths. Stories. Bikes. Strollers. Pools. Good lord the list goes on and on and on.
But just in the last couple of weeks I have really seen how much my kids are growing. They are starting to play together. Cracking each other up. And that laughter is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. It's amazing. I wish I could bottle it up and keep it in my locket alongside their pictures to have with me...always.
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