Not much to say here...just thought I'd give this blog thing a try. But - it's late at the moment and I'm a bit too tired to try and figure this thing out.
But! I'm thrilled to say that we are now into the holiday weekend. Thank god. Monday will be my first day off from work in 15 weeks since returning from maternity leave. And I'm looking forward to it with all my heart and soul.
No plans. Just chilling out with the family. Speaking of the are a few pics...
ohhhhhhhh dude.... it's started. you are officially a blogger !!!! how AWESOME IS THAT ??!?!!!
Yea this is a great start. I think everybody should blog. Can't wait to read more about your family adventures!!!!! :)
Just read your blog. It's the first blog I've ever read. Kudos to you. Your writing skills are to be commended, and in time, they'll get even better. Who knows, the next step may even be a novel.
It is interesting to know that you talk like one of the crew from "Pirates of the Caribbean" in front of B. How precious. All you need is a patch over one eye and then practice punctuating each sentence with "ARGH". As you said, at least he used F-it in the proper context. The little genius!
Of course, you knew he was a quick study, but he loves you and he won't incriminate you. He knows right from wrong, as well as you do.
I think the blog is a terrific idea. All of us who love you can log on at any time and catch up on the latest with you and the children. It does put a little pressure on you to keep the latest news and photos flowing, but that's no biggie. You can do the updates in your spare time, after working, traveling, cooking, cleaning, washing, mothering, and nursing. It's just one more thing on your overflowing plate. Pressure? What pressure?
Now, let's get going. Where the hell is the next installment of this blog?
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